Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Luck of osseointegration led to life changing invention

Among the least known inventions in the 20th and 21st Century is the dental implant. Not much credit is given to this life changing invention which happened solely due to an accident. Dr Per-Ingvar Branemark’s (the ‘a’ in Branemark has a diacritical circumflex that has been omitted for the sake of brevity) lucky accident of titanium embedding in bone introduced the world to osseointegration. Dr Branemark researched further and demonstrated successfully that titanium would not have any long-term issue with soft tissue inflammation or rejection of the implant. The human body’s defence mechanism is such that any foreign body inserted or implanted is subject to rejection mechanisms.

Adding titanium roots or posts in edentulous patients took place in 1965, and since then dental restorations has scaled to ever growing heights. Every oral implant follows root-form endosseous protocols. The word ‘endo’ means ‘in’ in Greek (pun intended) while ‘essous’ means ‘bone’. The word ‘root-form’ is used in conjunction to the similarity of a real root. The osseointegration of titanium with the jaw bone is thus considered as the greatest invention of this century. 

Dr Joseph Goodman is an acknowledge exponent in implantology (implant technology) as evidenced by words of appreciation and gratitude by a plethora of patients in Dr. Joseph Goodman DDS Review portal. Losing your teeth in the later stages of life is a common occurrence. With implants, a new lease of life is granted that brings smiles to ageing faces. The confidence boost at such times in life is intangible.

Dental implants made of titanium act as posts to support prostheses such as crowns and bridges that have a full set of teeth made from composites. The functions of these implants and teeth are similar to natural teeth. Senior citizens can chew, salivate, increase enzyme production, taste the food they eat which contributes to the wellness quotient.

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