Periodontal disease begins when the area between the gums and the tooth or teeth known as the sulcus become inflamed due to the accumulation of plaque and bacteria. The inflammation leads to irritation of the neighboring tissue. This is the beginning of the serious periodontal disease. If caught in the early stages the treatment is cleaning the gums and removal of plaque. If the condition is left untreated the damage to the gums become so much more that the bones supporting the tooth suffer a condition what is known as the bone loss.
In the normal course at this stage, the periodontist would recommend either osseous surgery (bone surgery) or scaling and root planning. With advances in laser treatment protocols laser, periodontal surgery is the way ahead. The laser removes only the diseased tissue and allows the healthy tissue to remain. The surrounding tissue undergoes cleanup with ultrasonic treatment where the vibration due to the ultrasonic loosens the accumulated plaque. The laser light will do the job of the scalpel by removing affected tissue and bacteria. The procedure is simpler than suture surgery and there is hardly any pain associated with it. Dr. Joseph Goodman the world-renowned cosmetic dentist in Beverly Hills recommends the use of anesthesia for numbing the area and oral sedation for patients with anxiety.
The post-procedure therapy includes the use of minor analgesics while the laser-assisted therapy starts the healing process. Dr. Joseph Goodman is the smiling doctor to the stars in Hollywood. Show business people are particular when it comes to their mouth, as their appearance is their passport to fans and popularity. Several celebrities have endorsed this elite cosmetic dentist in Joseph Goodman DDS reviews.
Dr. Goodman’s pioneering work with porcelain veneers has earned him the sobriquet “the smiling doctor”; other Joseph Goodman DDS reviews express profoundly appreciation and gratitude for restoring smiles on their faces.
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