Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Cosmetic dentistry: A brief guide to the popular processes

The value of your teeth is not only the usability but also the aesthetics. Your smile depends on the quality of your teeth. And your smile, in turn, is an important aspect of your personality. It is one of the elements you need when you want to make a strong first impression.

Dental aesthetics include color, shape, size, positions, alignment as well as the overall appearance.

When do you consider cosmetic dentistry?

·         Tooth decay – could be the first time or a recurring one.
·         Abrasion of the tooth resulting in changing shape and size of the teeth.
·         Redo of previous restorative process
·         Change in color of the teeth due to staining.
·         Anomalies
·         Irregular spacing of the teeth and alignment

What are the different types of cosmetic dentistry processes involved?

·         Whitening: This is the bleaching of the teeth in order to remove discoloration or stains. This could be done at home with over-the-counter strips or with home remedies; or professionally by a cosmetic dentist. Laser whitening is another process, which shows six times better results than other processes.

·         Reshaping: It might either be a tiny chip in a tooth or just unusually long teeth. Various procedures come into play to reshape the faulting tooth or to rectify the chip or just overall improve the look of the teeth.

·         Bonding: This is also for reshaping the teeth. In this process, the shape of the tooth is redone as desired using a dental composite, which looks identical to your tooth enamel. The composite material is then hardened and polished to give the final touch.

·         Veneers: This a process where reshaping of the tooth or filling up of the small unwanted gaps between two teeth happen using laminates application on the teeth. The laminates are of porcelain and it bonds perfectly with the teeth.

·         Bridges: In this process, pontics (false teeth) come into use to fill a bigger gap, usually arising because of a missing tooth. After installing the porcelain laminates, if there is still a gap left, a pontic comes in use to fill the gap.

These are the few popular processes that are usually done as part of cosmetic dentistry treatment. The choice of the process for you will depend on various factors and you will need to consult a dental expert before you finalize.

The results depend on the expert you choose

Choose your dental expert carefully and ensure that he hold the degree of Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) at the least. Exploring the experts in your area is highly recommended. For example, Beverly Hills has a highly certified and experienced doctor, Dr. Joseph Goodman, DDS, who is highly sought after because of his experience and high quality of work. The reviews of his work are great and the footfalls at his clinic are proof to his expertise. 

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